Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas 2013

So it was Christmas again! Lots of food, family and fun. The kids this Christmas brought me a lot of joy. We got a huge 11 foot Christmas tree! It was huge and looked great in our big living room. From Santa Jacob got a new bike, Amelia got a kitten and so did Jack.
Christmas morning the boys were up normal time, both were excited to see what Santa brought them. Jacob really liked his bike but everything kinda got over shadowed by the kittens. Jack was very excited about his kitten, which he named Robin. As he clutched the kitten to his chest he declared, "This is the best Christmas ever. This is just what I wanted!" Jack named his kitten Robin saying it was his sidekick. We had to wake Amelia up to open presents. Once she saw the kitten she was wide awake. She also was very excited about getting one. Hers is named Princess. Luckily all the kids have been very gentle with the kitties so far.
Other notable Christmas presents this year are beanbag chairs from Umma and Uppa. Umma and Uppa also got Jack a new Leap Pad Ultra, which he kissed when he figured out what it was. They also got him a green light up sword. That present he little face lite up; he forgot to open any other present until we reminded him.

Umma had a photo booth for everyone to take pictures with this year.



Saturday, December 14, 2013

Good vs Evil

The boys have hit the phase of "good guys beating bad guys." They like super heroes, fighting crime and are always on the look out for injustice. Jack especially is very aware of bad guys. I find that along with this phase comes weapons. Apparently you need lots of guns, knives, swords and throwing stars to defeat evil. Luckily they are sorta old enough now not to destroy stuff with the weapons or each other.


Its Christmas time here and that can bring out generosity in anyone, Jack included. Since we have put Christmas presents under our tree Jack has been "shopping" around the house wrapping up presents for people. He gave Jacob his new Robin car for Christmas. After we wrapped it he said, "He's going to be so excited!" in the cutest excited voice. Anything he can think of he wants to wrap up for someone. I think he has the giving spirit down.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jack's wisdom

This last week Grampa Coleman died, passed away, expired... I think the kids witnessed their first vision of death, or at least closest  to it, walking into Grampa's house seeing him in his chair unconscious. I will be interested to see if they remember that when they get older.
Anyway though, although we didn't know if he was going to live or not that day Jack imparted wisdom that summed up the whole situation.
Jack: Mom I have good news and bad news.
Me: What's the bad news Jack?
Jack: That if Grampa dies we will all be sad and miss him.
Me: What's the good news?
Jack: That he will be in heaven with Jesus.

Amen to that!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jacob's 1st tooth

Jacob lost his first tooth tonight! It was his bottom right one. He was wrestling the pillows on our bed when one of the pillows caught his tooth and ripped it out. Jacob said the tooth fell into his mouth so he fished it out with his hand. He promptly said, "Look mom." He had a look of shock on his face. I of course was super excited. I think he was very surprised it came out because his eyes were wide and he was not smiling. When I looked in his mouth at the hole I could see it was bleeding quite a bit. I believe the tooth would have stayed in his mouth another week or so if it hadn't been pulled out. Anyway after his mouth stopped bleeding he was excited about his tooth.
As he was showing me the tooth again he dropped it. It landed on the rug, which is creamed colored! After looking for the tooth for a while I vacuumed it up with the vacuum. He proceeded to drop it a couple more times but we managed to find it.
We put the tooth in a fancy glass so he wouldn't lose it anymore and the Tooth Fairy would be able to find it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Garbage sculpture

Jack brought home a "garbage sculpture" today from preschool. It was basically a paper cup with two que-tips sticking out of it held there by play dough. It was a nice little piece of abstract art. He was real happy with it.
When Jacob saw it he was intrigued. Jacob thought all the stuff was neat but wanted to know what it was. Jack replied, "it was garbage sculpture." Jacob asked again, "Ya, but what is it?" Jack repeated his answer. Jacob could not comprehend it wasn't something. I could see that he just needed to be something. He suggested to Jack maybe he should draw a face on it so that it could be a bunny, but Jack said no its a sculpture.
I can see both strength and weakness in Jacob's struggle to understand the garbage sculpture. His strength is that he works towards a complete representation of something. He needs the practical, concrete; he can use that to achieve much in life. His weakness is his struggle to understand why anyone would create something that does not attempt to represent reality. He is potentially missing great beauty in the world just because it isn't "real."

Friday, November 1, 2013


Halloween 2013 was wonderful! This is the first year that I felt childhood in my house. All day long Jack and Jacob kept asking when we could go trick or treating, when Dad was going to be home, when we could go! I could feel their anticipation for trick or treating. They could hardly do anything because they were so looking forward to trick or treating. I remember as a kid thinking time took so long for exciting things like trick or treating or Christmas to actually happen. I think these are the years the boys may actually be able to remember.
This year Jacob was a rocket, Jack was Robin and Amelia was a princess. Each one of them was very proud of their costumes. If Jack saw someone he knew he would pull his mask up and say, "Its just me Jack, not really Robin." because he was convinced he truly embodied Robin. He is so cute!
Jacob and I made his costume this year from a box, tin foil, duc tape and construction paper. It was just up his ally to create his own costume. As we walked around several "big boys" told Jacob that they liked his costume. It made me happy for him because he had created it himself. He even had some grown-ups compliment him on it.
Amelia of course was a super cute princess. She would "princess spin" around. Almost every door said, "oh aren't you cute." After about the hundredth time she put her hand to her chest and said, "me cute!" This was Amelia's first Halloween of actually trick or treating, well she did fabulous! I brought the stroller just in case but she only briefly sat in it,. Most of the time she refused to sit in it and would have trick or treated all night if I had let her. I bet she walked for over an hour. Of course the person who wanted to ride in the stroller most was Jack.
As soon as we got back the kids dived into their candy. I don't even think they made it 6 steps into the door before flopping to the floor and digging in. We let them eat a bunch that night and watch Charlie Brown's The Great Pumpkin cartoon. It was a great Halloween!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Amelia is sleeping in her big girl bed now! She didn't really know what it was but Jacob convinced her that she needed to sleep in the bed. He dragged out all of the parts from under the bed and the garage to show her. She wasn't too interested in it until I put the mattress on, so she could really see what it looked like. After that she didn't want the boys to even sit on it with her, she kept pushing them off. As of the first night she went to sleep very well, not getting up once, but I think she doesn't think to get out of it yet. We'll see how the night goes. I may update this post in a day or so.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


The last couple days have been absolutely gorgeous around here. Its been sunny, a bit of a breeze and almost 70 degrees! The combination of sun and cool autumn air is perfect for playing outside, which we have been doing a lot of. To top it off the trees around the neighborhood are extremely vibrant with fall colors. As the kids run around the yard or play on the playground I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with them. I love that I am able to know my children as they grow. I am appreciative that Dan has such a great job to enable us a comfortable lifestyle and this opportunity. God has really blessed me with so many wonderful things.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pony ride

The kids went on their first pony ride this weekend. They went with Umma and Uppa to 

a family farm. Amelia had been insistent for several days that Uppa was going to take

her on a pony ride. Of course Uppa does not disappoint! Jacob's pony was Montana. Amelia's pony was Wendy. Jack's pony was Spice. All of the kids LOVED it!


Jacob was baptized today at church. He was very grown up looking as he walked with Pastor Rob to the middle of the stage, his hands tucked into his pockets. He confessed his faith in Jesus Christ and his intent to live as one of His disciples. Jacob seemed a bit nervous but did a really good job answering all the questions.
After he was baptized he tried to lick the holy water running down his face. As Pastor Ashley prayed over him I saw Pastor Rob draw a cross on his forehead in holy water.  It was an amazing sight to me.
I feel so proud of him for choosing this path. I will try my hardest to help him gain a deep relationship with the Lord, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
This is the Bible verse Dan read to Jacob after he was baptized:
Ephesians 1:15-19a
For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[f] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

We were looking for a verse to read to Jacob but hadn't really decided on one. After looking I just prayed to God that He would show me one. Of course He did because that one just popped up a week or so later, just perfect for baptism just another perfect prayer answered.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Amelia is obsessed with what she calls "church music." Really its the CD we got from this years VBS at church. It has some catchy tunes on it but I think the real reason she likes it is because of the experience of VBS. Anyway she insists on listening to it every time we get in the car. As we are putting shoes on she is asking, "church music?" Yes, Amelia we can listen to church music! Now I can tune it out after the second or third time it plays in the car (during one car trip), but Dada can not. He lets her listen to it just a bit but after the first go thru of the songs he turns it off. Of course if she wells up with tears he'll give in and play it again. :)
While the music is playing she bops her head along, claps her hands and is now singing some of the words. In the video she is sing, "Halleluiah, see the King." She is trying to sing the song, "Halleluiah, Halleluiah we are going to see the King;" a verse to one of the songs. She goes about her day re-singing this song as she plays, it is super cute.

(Oh ya at the end she says "Go Hawks!" something Dada taught her.)

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Amelia has always been a good eater but lately if she really likes something she can devour large amounts of it. Her new love is cereal, not the healthiest breakfast food but oh well. The other morning she ate 5 bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios! Half way through eating she will tip the bowl up, saying "drink milk," and  guzzle up all the milk in the bowl. She then needs more milk and cereal.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Jack's new obsession is Robin, from Batman. I am not sure how it all started because to be honest don't most kids want to be Batman? Well not Jack he likes Robin.
The other day I found a bathrobe that had Robin on it. Even though he already had a bathrobe I just had to get it for him.  I was so excited because I knew he would love it. (He gave his other bathrobe to Jacob) Of course he did love it! His big brown eyes got so wide when I showed it to him. After he put it on he kept turning in circles to see the Robin character stitched on the back. He keeps it on his bed.
Another Robin thing is that our Pastor's name is Robin. The other day on the way home from church we told him that. His eyes bulged out slightly as his face looked shocked. I could see in his face he thought that was the coolest name ever but was a bit bewilder it was Pastor Rob's name. Not that Pastor Rob isn't a nice guy he is just older and not the most super hero-ish guy we know. I believe it did impress him though.
He wants to be Robin for Halloween. He insists that I call him Robin and will correct me if I call him Jack, "No mom its Robin." I, in turn am Wonder Woman. As mom no more, together we fight bad guys!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Amelia ends all books with "Amen!" Her version of "the end." I can pretty much assume we pray enough for her to associate amen with the end of talking.
On another note she is becoming quite a good prayer herself. She says in the most innocent, sweetest voice, "God, thank you." If that doesn't please the Lord I don't know what would. :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Just the other day driving home from the farmer's market Jacob announces he put a googly eye in his ear. Ok I say we'll get it out when we get home. Well once we got home Dada tried to get it out but was unable to. After that Jacob and I headed to the doctor's office to see if they had the right tools to get it out. The PA asked the problem. I said he has a googly eye stuck in his ear. He asked what a googly eye was. I said you don't have kids do you. He said no so I had to explain what a googly eye was. After he took a look in Jacob's ear he decided to call the Dr. Matta; who recommended we go to the ER because of how deep it had got and the position of the eye.
The ER visit actually wasn't too long, which made me quite happy. The doc came in, I explained what was going on, and took a look. Before he looked in his ear he asked Jacob which ear it was in. Jacob proceed to shake his head back and forth then pointed at his right ear. He could hear the eye shaking in his ear. :) So the doctor tried fishing it out with some special tool he had but couldn't get a hold of it. Jacob did really good holding still and being brave. He did cry out a couple times because of the pain but other then that did good. Well the doctor couldn't get a hold of it so he instructed the nurse to flush it out with water. Again Jacob did real well as the nurse flushed his ear out. Tons of earwax came out, one giant chunk came out right before the doctor came in. Once that was out of the way the doctor was able to get a hold of it and pull it out.
I was so proud of how brave Jacob was. Praise Jesus for his mercy and greatness.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Amelia has two speeds at the moment. She walks, ever so slowly. She really just doodles along; stopping to inspect the littlest thing. And running, she with the wind blowing her hair back. When she runs she tilts her body forward so her legs are behind her, chest pushed out in front. She isn't particularly fast but she does like to run.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Jacob's first day of kindergarten is here! He was pretty nervous but he did great. His teacher is Mrs. Gilmore. I think his favorite part of the day is riding the bus. I took him this morning so we could "check it out" one more time. He asked why all the kids were just sitting there. I told him they were all probably as nervous as he was. I saw a look of comprehension on his face like, "oh everyone is scared its not just me."
Once he got off the bus I asked him what he did on his first day. He responded that "Just what you told me, you know." He told me later his class got to go to the gym and the computer lab to look around. His teacher read the class Brown Bear Brown Bear and he colored a bear brown. At recess he played on the toy car a lot.
He asked when he go to go back. After I told him tomorrow he got happy. He is excited to eat lunch at school and ride the bus again.
I know he is going to do very well this year. I am already so proud of him for being so brave.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Amelia went to the dentist today for the first time. She was very excited about sitting in the dentist chair until the hygienist sat down next to her! Actually she did real well. She didn't  actually get her teeth cleaned with the tools but she let the hygienist brush and floss her teeth.
When the dentist came in thought it was a whole other story. She was having no part of some guy looking at her teeth. We had Jack go first thinking that would help but it didn't. We ended up doing the dental exam on my and the dentist's knees. I think she was only slightly traumatized by it. It helped that she got a toothbrush, tooth paste and a new toy. I believe she will do better next time.


My new past time at night is trying to sing Jack to sleep. Sometimes it works sometimes not. The only reason it doesn't work is that I don't have the patience or have something to do. I have to say though, he is so cute fighting sleep. His big brown eyes blink so many times. Then the blinks start getting longer and longer. I am not sure why he just doesn't close his eyes but he doesn't. Eventually his eyes get so heavy with sleep his eyeballs start rolling back. When he finally goes to sleep he has the most peaceful look on his face; he is just so darling.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Today we spent some time at the Tri-City Court Club with the church. It has a mini water park to play in. Jacob got to go on his first waterslide! Of course he loves water so going on a waterslide was amazing for him. Him and Dan went on it at least five times. Lucky for him there wasn't a long line so there wasn't much waiting. He said that was his favorite thing about today and can't wait to go back again

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


A conversation I heard in the backseat.

Jack: Ya wanna get married Amelia when we're big?
Amelia: No
Jacob: You wanna marry some other boy?
Amelia: Ya
Jack: I will live with you and the boy, ok?
Amelia: ya
Jack: If the boy leaves you alone I will stomp on him.

Look out boy!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


In the last couple days Jacob has started actually drawing things we can recognize. It started with a couple of hydroplanes, then moved into vehicles. He is really great about adding detail and completing the picture by coloring the whole page. He calls it his "creative art." Of course now that we have complimented him on it he is mass producing pictures. I just can see how much of a big kid he is. He is starting to take the pictures in his head and make his hands work they way he wants them to draw it.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Amelia has really been into bags lately. She will pack a purse or bag around, adding things into it as she goes. For her birthday Josh and Beth got her a Care Bear and a nightgown. Her favorite part of the present was the purple gift bag, she is still carrying that around. The things she puts into the bags she tries to lay claim to for days even if she hasn't played with them in days. I say things because it isn't just toys, she has coins, Nana Kim's old drivers licenses, a toy phone, baby towel, stuff pig and other oddities. Just today she started packing up her backpack that she had found in the closet.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Swim lessons

Jacob and Jack are taking swim lessons.
Jacob has always liked the water and was excited about going. Jack was a little nervous and said he didn't want to go. At the beginning of the first lesson the instructor asked the boys to put their face in the water to blow bubbles. Well of course Jacob could do that with no problem. Jack on the other hand was super nervous about it and had to talk to her about the situation for several minutes before doing it. But by the end of the lesson both Jack and Jacob were blowing bubbles under water and even diving under the water to retrieve a toy! I was so proud of Jack, overcoming his nervousness. I was also very impressed with Jacob. The instructor started showing him a forward swim stroke. He even swam half way down the pool underwater! It must be his father in him.



Although this is late I thought I would blog about Jack's birthday. We went camping for his birthday, which he loved. He got a lot of things for presents but he was really excited about a couple of them. We got him a kickstand for his bike, which he had been wanting for awhile. We got him a bike bell, which he had asked for the day he opened his present. We also got him a water bottle and holder for his bike. Oh ya and some new underwear, which he was excited for too. As he opened each one he gasped as he excitedly said, this just what I wanted.
He is such a great little boy. He has such a twinkle to his eye that makes everyone just fall for his charm.
               He wanted a kitty cake for his birthday this year; white like his stuffed animal Snowy.


Before we left to go stay with Umma and Uppa I asked the boys if they knew why we were going over there. Jacob responded, "To help Gramma, to make her feel loved." He is so smart. Of course I said yes, that is exactly why we are going.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Amelia is 2.  She is such a big girl. She goes potty on the potty. She talks real good. She can ride the scooter. She is coming along so nicely. As I see her at 2, I see what Jack looked like when we moved into this house and when Amelia was born. He always seemed older then he was/is somehow but seeing Amelia I can see how young he was.
For her birthday we had a small party for her at Umma's. We had an ice cream cake and played with the bubbles Tanya got her for her birthday. She was good at opening her presents this year. She loved blowing out the candles. She liked us singing "Happy Birthday" to her. She says, "happy," meaning Happy Birthday to her. I am not sure what kind of pictures we are going to get because Umma was in charge of those and well, she isn't too good at them, but maybe we'll get one at least.
Amelia is so lovely. She is a turning into a goofy little girl that can hold her own with her brothers. I pray God protects her and guides her to His love.
Happy Birthday Amelia!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Jacob's Ginny

 Jacob really wanted a pet. For some reason or another he settled on a guinea pig. We weren't to keen on a guinea pig so we thought we could delay him by telling him he had to save up his own money to buy one himself. That just motivated him more because he did extra jobs and chores to get more money. Well he finally got enough! The only problem was the cage, they are pretty expensive, so we said we would buy the cage.
We went on a Sunday to buy the thing. He picked out a small female with brown and black spots. He named her Ginny (Guinea with another spelling). As soon as he got her home he loved her. From the start he you could see he was going to be so loving and responsible towards her. That night he prayed he was thankful for her, that she won't get sick, that she would get to know our family and that we would give her a good home.
I think Ginny has already brought out some of Jacob's best qualities. I pray Ginny responds to his love quickly so that she feels comfortable around him and they both can start a wonderful long relationship.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Whenever Dan and I hug Amelia runs over to get in the middle of it. She insists on being picked up to be included in the hug. She throws an arm around of each of ours neck to give us a big squeeze. She doesn't hug us briefly but usually requires at least three distinct hugs before we are allowed to move.
Actually it reminds me of Jacob. He use to get right in between us too.

Happy Birthday to Me!

The best birthday present I could have is a good picture of me and my kids. A good picture means everyone is looking at the camera with a fairly non-goofy face. Happy Birthday to me!


Jack says ooze for use. "I can ooze this ball." Really funny and cute. His vocabulary is developing so much in the last couple months.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Jack's turn for his preschool program. He is so smart, he just doesn't seem 3. I am so proud of the way he made it thru his first year of preschool. Whenever I went to pick him up he was one of the only kids walking nicely in line or paying attention to the teachers, even in the beginning of the year. It makes me so proud to see him being successful in school already. God has really blessed me when He gave me my Jack-man.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Jacob had his preschool program today. He got to wear a little cap and gown, he looked so cute. He sang all the songs really well. I could hear is voice very clear. He is such a big boy now. I can't believe kindergarten is next fall. I am so proud of him. He is a very smart, polite, kind, wonderful kid. I can't say enough great things about him. I love him just so much. God has given me so much in him.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Jacob is a very kind big brother. He put Amelia up on the swing all by himself and started pushing her.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Well Amelia is a "big girl" now. She is using the potty chair. Because she is only 23 months old her take to it is a bit slower then the boys but she is doing well. By day two of the potty training boot camp you could tell she understood that now she had to pee in the potty as apposed to her undies. She sometimes tinkles in her pants a bit but stops herself and runs into the bathroom. She is getting it and I am so happy! To be done with diapers is such a great thing. I thought I would be sad to let go of the baby stuff but not this one! :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

We took the kids to the Woodland Park Zoo on the way to Umma and Uppa's house. The kids really enjoyed it. Their favorite animals were the penguins and elephants. I think because they could see them the best. On the way out they all got to ride on the antique carousel. Of course all of them enjoyed it. Amelia really liked it, it was her first ride on one. She almost started crying when she had to get off but then she saw everyone else's turn was over so she stopped.


Amelia has had a burst of language development this last couple of weeks. She has started communicating her needs with the words like, "more," "Me!," "see," "up," and "down." For a while now she has jibber-jabbered her thoughts and ideas to us but now she is making progress in using actual words.
She has also started doing things herself. She insists on trying anything herself before asking for help. In some instances I won't even help her unless she tries first; such as getting up on the chairs now. She can do it, she just has to figure it out herself.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Well the boys found out what happens when you call 911 today. As they were playing today they decided to call 911 about some red ants across the streets. What they didn't know was that they actually called 911! When the operator answered, Jacob immediately hung up. Jack busted in the house and said, "We called 911!" Of course the operator called back. I explained that they were playing and didn't really mean to call. After I got off the phone I told the boys I was glad they could call 911 but they shouldn't unless it was a real emergency. If they did it again then the police would come and arrest them.
I thought that was it so I went back in the house. About 10 minutes later though Jack busts into the house again saying, "The cops are here!" I peak my head out the door and there is a police cruiser in the driveway. The officer was already at the front door. Jack and I answered the door. The officer asked if he could talk to the boys about what happened. I said of course and asked Jack to follow me. His eyes got as round as quarters as he started to back away. He shook his head and said, "no I don't want to." I told him he wasn't it that much trouble and to come. As we were walking outside I asked Jack where Jacob was. The officer responded though, that he was hiding in the garage. We went into the garage and I called for Jacob. He came out from where he was hiding ghost white, lip trembling. After the boys lined up before the officer he asked them what happened. Jacob could barely utter a word so Jack did all the talking. Jack talks a lot when he gets nervous. He started rattling off something about venomous ants and wanting poison to kill them. Both thought the officer had come to arrest them! The officer was real nice though and just told the boys only call 911 in a real emergency. Of course Jack said ok. Jacob said nothing.
Boy after he left the boys were freaked out! They thought they had just escaped being arrested. They had so many questions about how the officer knew where they lived, how the 911 system worked, what really happens in an emergency and another half a dozen questions.
I do believe though with an experience like that they won't be doing that again. Of course the whole time I was cracking up inside on the whole situation and their reactions!

Monday, April 1, 2013


                                    Happy Easter to me for having such 3 fabulous kids!

Bike ride

Jacob suggested we take a bike ride down to the park with the boat launch today; which was a great idea since it was so nice out and Spring break. Its about a 30 minute bike ride down to the park, I was kinda worried about Jack making it since this was the longest he had ridden his bike before but he did great. We had ridden down to the park last summer but that was on his scoot. We decided to take it nice and slow and it worked out great.
At the park the kids played by the river, had a snack and walked out on the dock. Amelia had never been on a dock before so it was interesting to watch her. At first she would dead stop at the little cracks in between the floats. She was super nervous about stepping over them. After we walked on the dock a couple times she got use to it and was able to walk normally.
It was a great day. The only thing I wish I had done was put sunscreen on the kids before we left. All the kids got pink cheeks. But it was fun. I can't wait for summer to start so we can do more things like that.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Amelia gets really excited about things. She will tense her body up and shake with wide eyes. It is so cute. She also will squeeze you next in a big hug if she gets excited. Of course when you're one everything is exciting so I see that look a lot.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Jacob got mad at me tonight because I wouldn't let him ride the new 4 wheeler we got from the neighbor. I didn't let him ride it because he weighs too much for it. Well his response to that was, "Dumb Mom!" He was super angry with me. Of course he got in big trouble for calling me dumb but I am sure it won't be the last time he thinks I am dumb. I hope in the future though he just thinks it and doesn't say it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jack's friends

Since Jacob is older, he interacts with kids his own age. Hence he has made several friends at preschool. Well Jack decided he need to make friends at school too. Jack's only issue standing in the way of friends is his age, he is developmentally at a place where he does not "play" with kids yet. He has found a solution to that problem though. He has picked two kids to say are his friends. Now whether or not he actually plays with these kids I don't know. The couple times I have been in the room I have never even seen Jack talk to these kids, I just think he knows their names.
This is how he explains it: "My friends are Elijah and Courtney. Elijah is a boy. And Courtney is a girl." Whenever he speaks of them he has to clarify their genders.
I am sure next year he will have plenty of friends he will actually play with but for now they are Courtney and Elijah.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


The kids got goldfish today. The last 2 died after Dada cleaned the bowl with soap and water. Nana Kim had sent each kid a dollar in the mail so we took that to buy fish. The fish man was so nice to catch each kid a fish and put it in its own bag. Then we tromps up to the registrar where each kid paid with their own dollar. With fish bag in hand we marched to the car. On the way home Jack asked, "Dada will you try not to kill my fish this time."
We'll see how long these last. Our bowl isn't big enough for 3 so I think I will be changing the water very often. Plus these fish have the potential to grow to the size of a football so I don't know how long they will last in the bowl. Maybe for Christmas someone can get the three of them an aquarium.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Alone time

I thought it would be fun to take each kid for some fun alone time with me. We are all together all day long with me running around trying to get stuff done. The kids usually hear, "ok I'll be there in a minute." and really its like 10. So I thought I could take one kid at a time to do something fun. So far Jack and I have gone to the library. Jacob and I have gone to Chuckie Cheese and Amelia and I have gone to Walmart. My plan is to do something free or really cheap because one, I don't want to spend a lot of money and two, its about our time together. I am not sure how long I can keep this up but I think the kids will keep it going. Jack especially has really liked the time alone. He repeatably has asked when is his next turn is. I also really enjoy the individual time with each kid. It is so nice to be able to focus on one kid and give him or her the most love an attention I can. I can tell each kid enjoys it too. Jack talks nonstop while we are out. Jacob is calm and loving. Amelia is wild and crazy.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


The kids love to cook. Amelia is especially learning to love to cook. Mostly for licking the bowl or the beaters.