Monday, April 15, 2013

We took the kids to the Woodland Park Zoo on the way to Umma and Uppa's house. The kids really enjoyed it. Their favorite animals were the penguins and elephants. I think because they could see them the best. On the way out they all got to ride on the antique carousel. Of course all of them enjoyed it. Amelia really liked it, it was her first ride on one. She almost started crying when she had to get off but then she saw everyone else's turn was over so she stopped.


Amelia has had a burst of language development this last couple of weeks. She has started communicating her needs with the words like, "more," "Me!," "see," "up," and "down." For a while now she has jibber-jabbered her thoughts and ideas to us but now she is making progress in using actual words.
She has also started doing things herself. She insists on trying anything herself before asking for help. In some instances I won't even help her unless she tries first; such as getting up on the chairs now. She can do it, she just has to figure it out herself.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Well the boys found out what happens when you call 911 today. As they were playing today they decided to call 911 about some red ants across the streets. What they didn't know was that they actually called 911! When the operator answered, Jacob immediately hung up. Jack busted in the house and said, "We called 911!" Of course the operator called back. I explained that they were playing and didn't really mean to call. After I got off the phone I told the boys I was glad they could call 911 but they shouldn't unless it was a real emergency. If they did it again then the police would come and arrest them.
I thought that was it so I went back in the house. About 10 minutes later though Jack busts into the house again saying, "The cops are here!" I peak my head out the door and there is a police cruiser in the driveway. The officer was already at the front door. Jack and I answered the door. The officer asked if he could talk to the boys about what happened. I said of course and asked Jack to follow me. His eyes got as round as quarters as he started to back away. He shook his head and said, "no I don't want to." I told him he wasn't it that much trouble and to come. As we were walking outside I asked Jack where Jacob was. The officer responded though, that he was hiding in the garage. We went into the garage and I called for Jacob. He came out from where he was hiding ghost white, lip trembling. After the boys lined up before the officer he asked them what happened. Jacob could barely utter a word so Jack did all the talking. Jack talks a lot when he gets nervous. He started rattling off something about venomous ants and wanting poison to kill them. Both thought the officer had come to arrest them! The officer was real nice though and just told the boys only call 911 in a real emergency. Of course Jack said ok. Jacob said nothing.
Boy after he left the boys were freaked out! They thought they had just escaped being arrested. They had so many questions about how the officer knew where they lived, how the 911 system worked, what really happens in an emergency and another half a dozen questions.
I do believe though with an experience like that they won't be doing that again. Of course the whole time I was cracking up inside on the whole situation and their reactions!

Monday, April 1, 2013


                                    Happy Easter to me for having such 3 fabulous kids!

Bike ride

Jacob suggested we take a bike ride down to the park with the boat launch today; which was a great idea since it was so nice out and Spring break. Its about a 30 minute bike ride down to the park, I was kinda worried about Jack making it since this was the longest he had ridden his bike before but he did great. We had ridden down to the park last summer but that was on his scoot. We decided to take it nice and slow and it worked out great.
At the park the kids played by the river, had a snack and walked out on the dock. Amelia had never been on a dock before so it was interesting to watch her. At first she would dead stop at the little cracks in between the floats. She was super nervous about stepping over them. After we walked on the dock a couple times she got use to it and was able to walk normally.
It was a great day. The only thing I wish I had done was put sunscreen on the kids before we left. All the kids got pink cheeks. But it was fun. I can't wait for summer to start so we can do more things like that.