Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Grand Finale

We had a grand finale to summer. The kids and I  took off after church one Sunday to Umma and Uppa's. Once there the kids played, we visited Nana Kim, Gramma Sharpes and went to see Josh's new house. We only stayed one day then we were off to the Oregon coast.
We camped at Cape Lookout for 4 days. It was a great camp, with beautiful sunny weather. We played on the beach, rode bikes and hung out. Dada showed up on the second day we were there to surprise us. Together we went to the Tillamook cheese factory.
After Cape Lookout we drove up to Seaside. The kids had never seen such a great place; I think Seaside is like a mini Las Vegas for kids. I took them on the Tilt a Whirl for the first time; Oh did we have fun! We did the bumper cars, looked in shops and played video games in the giant arcades.
Next we set off for Riffe Lake to meet up with Umma and Uppa. We camped with them the next 2 nights. They brought their new trailer so that was a fun time trying that out. The second night Burton and Dane stayed with us. The camp sight had a fun game of looking for little faces or figures in the trees. The kids really got into this so we spent a couple of hours looking for them. At the end they each got a necklace and a light stick. They walked around, rode bikes, played at the playground and paled around.
It was a wonderful grand finale of summer. We all came back dirty, tired and refreshed.

School Year 2016-2017

We now have a 2nd grader and 3rd grader in our family! I kept saying Jack was in 1st grade all last night on accident because it doesn't seem possible that he is in 2nd grade already!
His teacher Mrs. Klein sent him a postcard for a greeting this year, a nice touch. I am praying this year Jack enjoys school, that he improves on his reading, his class as a whole has good behavior and he finds good friends to play with.
This year Jacob's class is in one of the new portables; he is very excited about this. He has several friends in his class. I pray for Jacob this year a smooth transition to the academics of 3rd grade, that he improves his writing, and that he finds kind, good friends.
Of course I pray for both of them that they are spared the negativity and cruelty of others, that God keeps them safe and that they can continue to be who each of them is.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Coeur d'alene Adventure

This last week the kids and I took an adventure to Coeur d'alene Idaho. We called it an adventure instead of a vacation because Dad was not with us and everyone knows you can't go on vacation without Dad. :)
Anyhow it was an amazing time! We stayed in the Motel 6 about a 9 minute drive from downtown. It wasn't the fanciest place but it was clean. When we first showed up the kids were like, "this is it?" The only time we were at the motel however was to sleep. We spent the days downtown playing at the beach, swimming, playing at the park or walking around downtown. We had ice cream for dinner each night with a hamburger for dessert. Jacob commented that I was a way cooler mom on vacation because of it.
We had such a good time in fact that Dad did decide to come up for the day; which everyone was very happy about. We did the same kind of things; swimming, walking, playing. The last day we were there we met up with Kate Stone, a friend of mine. Her family has a house on the lake that we went to. The house was across the lake so we had to go by her family boat; the kids loved the ride. There we paddle boarded, swam and jumped off a water trampoline; it was a lot of fun.
We all decided we needed to go back again.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016



Amelia talking to her reflection.


If Amelia does not fall asleep right away she does one of three things:
1. Plays imaginary games with the animals and dolls in her bed. As I walk by I can hear her jibber-jabbering some pretend story.
2. Read books. Many a nights on my way to bed I stop to check on her to find a pile of books by her on the bed with one in her hand; like she fell asleep while reading.
3. Sneak downstairs, peek around the corner and, then shining, her cutest smile ask for another hug and kiss.