Friday, October 26, 2018


This year at school there is an ASB. Jacob came home with the information a couple weeks ago wanting to run for Vice President. I was like ok. He had a list of things he needed to have turned in by the next Monday; signs, speech, parent recommendations, things like that. I told him that he may not win so he should enjoy the process and do his best. He said he would but a couple days before election day he was getting nervous someone else would win. I told him that could happen, the election was out of his control so the most important thing is to act with integrity and kindness no matter who won. The night before the election I gave him a speech about congratulating the winner, if it wasn't him, and not whining about how they won for unfair reasons with kids at school. I told him he could come home and whine like that to me and his dad. He was like, "Really? You won't listen to that." I said I would.
Well of that was in vain because he won. lol I swear instead of worrying about him not winning, now I have to worry about him always winning and getting what he wants. I am very happy for him. He is such a super kid and I am glad he gets to be Vice President.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


These pics were taken at Umma's retirement party. It is such a blessing to have a wonderful family. The kids love their cousins, aunts, uncles and Umma and Uppa so much. I was worried they wouldn't get a sense of family leaving over here but they do; if anything the value their family time more since they don't get it as often.

Kite Challenge

This year Jack really got into the Engineering Kite Challenge at school. He was determined to win "smallest kite." He was very confident and proud of his mini kite. He said in any wind it would fly. He did end up winning smallest kite so he was very happy.

Because Jack was super into the Kite Challenge Amelia decided to come along and watch. Well it ended up that at the event there were supplies to make a kite. Amelia and I did some teamwork to create her a kite. She ended up doing a great job launching hers. She would run and run with her kite in the air. There wasn't much wind but she got hers as high as the string would allow. In the end she won "highest flier" for it.

We all had a great time at the event and the kids got a special assembly to celebrate their participation and the prizes they won. Jacob said next year he would do it too now that he knows about the prizes.