Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Amelia has started ballet. I think she likes the outfit and shoes better then the actual ballet but that's ok. For the Christmas season the elementary ballet classes were invited to the Nutcracker stage to dance around for a bit. She loved the little fairy wand she got. All she did was run laps around the outside of the set doing leaps in the air but she loved it.
When we went to the production of the Nutcracker she was memorized by Clara. I asked her if she wanted to be a party girl when she got bigger. Her answer was, "No, I want to be Clara."


Jack is quite the creative guy. This Christmas he made his own special Christmas scene for his room. As you can see in the picture it includes a fireplace, burning fire, stocking and "Mairy Chimis" sign.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Fall Conferences

So fall conferences happened this last week. Most important all the kids’ teachers said how respectful, hardworking, and enjoyable they are to have in class. Those are the words I like to hear as their mom.


Jacob is officially double-digits, two whole hands 10! For his birthday Umma and Uppa surprised him by coming over to visit for his birthday weekend. We took several of his friends to Get Air to jump and then to get burgers. Dan and I got him a new bike and a drone (To replace the one he bought with his own money and then promptly lost 10 minutes after he started playing with it. "I don't know where it went mom, it was just a dot in the sky it was so far away.") Umma and Uppa got him his first rifle, a real ONE!  I can't say how great Jacob is and how much I love him.


The other night Jack was pondering whether he would like to get married when he is older. We talked about the pros and cons of marriage and the right age to be married. I wasn't sure why he brought it up until his final comment. "But if I don't get married I won't be able to take my family to Disneyland."  Can I say again how freak'in amazing our Disneyland trip was!!!