Sunday, November 17, 2019


Jacob is now a certified hunter! After what seems months and months of work, Jacob completed his hunter safety education course! This last Saturday he completed the field test portion. He spent about 4 hours going over gun safety and other stuff about the weapons. He also got to use a shotgun to shoot at clay pigeons. He said he felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of him now that it was done. It was a big commitment for him so I am proud that he took it so seriously and that he completed it.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Halloween 2019

So for Halloween this year we kinda split up. Jacob, who is now too old to trick or treat, spent his Halloween volunteering at the church's Trunk or Treat with his Boy Scout group. He served over 700 hot dogs to the public. Of course he still got candy! Jack and Amelia each gave him 10 pieces each, he got the rest of our house bowl and Mrs. Stephanie got him his own "goodie bag" of good candy since she knew he couldn't got trick or treating.
Jack and Amelia walked around for an hour to completely fill their pumpkin buckets. Jack was the first to say he wanted to go home since, as cool as his mailbox costume was, it was pretty uncomfortable.
Amelia decided at the last minute to be a witch again for Halloween. She had wore the inflatable dinosaur costume to several Halloween events but for trick or treating ended up as a witch. I guess it's good to have options.