Friday, October 24, 2014


I have been working now for about a month. Technically it is a full time position but I can work from home 10 hours week with 22 hours in office. I don't think it has effected the kids too much. On Mondays Amelia goes to work with me. One Wednesday all the kids go to work with me. If anything they like it. I bring the ipad to play movies or games on. When they are all there on Wednesdays they play with all the nursery toys or run around the gym. Of course this is only a month in. It will be interesting what happens on days the kids don't have school or summer break.


Jack has gotten over the hump for kindergarten, meaning he isn't super cranky and tired. He is regular, fun loving Jack. Not to say he doesn't have his moments but for the most part he is showing the self control I know he has. He doesn't tell me much about kindergarten. He seems to enjoy it. Every once in awhile he will spurt out information or antidote for the day but for the most part he doesn't say much. If I ask too much he sighs and says he doesn't want to tell me. I can't imagine how his teen years are going to go if this is what I get in kindergarten. So I wait, ask minimal questions and am support of what he tells. Again he's five right?