Saturday, September 10, 2016


On Jacob and I date we found a sand hill. He spent the next 20 minutes jumping and playing on the hill while I videoed his tricks. It was his date so oh well!

Amelia - preschool

Amelia is starting her last year of preschool; she was very excited to start. This year she is going 4 days a week in the afternoon, 12:30-3:00. It is definitely different for her to be in school four days a week and in the afternoon. Her first week she went three days and was pretty tired by the end of the week.
We go to work around 10:00 each day so by 12:30 she is ready to go do something other then entertain herself. She said she doesn't mind me walking her down to school but would like to be able to walk back to my office on her own. We cleared it with Teacher Brenda so now she walks herself down. She says she likes it because she is the first in her class to be excused.
I pray this year she continues to love school and learning. I want this year to prepare her for the full time job of school that awaits her next year.