Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Jack's new obsession is Robin, from Batman. I am not sure how it all started because to be honest don't most kids want to be Batman? Well not Jack he likes Robin.
The other day I found a bathrobe that had Robin on it. Even though he already had a bathrobe I just had to get it for him.  I was so excited because I knew he would love it. (He gave his other bathrobe to Jacob) Of course he did love it! His big brown eyes got so wide when I showed it to him. After he put it on he kept turning in circles to see the Robin character stitched on the back. He keeps it on his bed.
Another Robin thing is that our Pastor's name is Robin. The other day on the way home from church we told him that. His eyes bulged out slightly as his face looked shocked. I could see in his face he thought that was the coolest name ever but was a bit bewilder it was Pastor Rob's name. Not that Pastor Rob isn't a nice guy he is just older and not the most super hero-ish guy we know. I believe it did impress him though.
He wants to be Robin for Halloween. He insists that I call him Robin and will correct me if I call him Jack, "No mom its Robin." I, in turn am Wonder Woman. As mom no more, together we fight bad guys!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Amelia ends all books with "Amen!" Her version of "the end." I can pretty much assume we pray enough for her to associate amen with the end of talking.
On another note she is becoming quite a good prayer herself. She says in the most innocent, sweetest voice, "God, thank you." If that doesn't please the Lord I don't know what would. :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Just the other day driving home from the farmer's market Jacob announces he put a googly eye in his ear. Ok I say we'll get it out when we get home. Well once we got home Dada tried to get it out but was unable to. After that Jacob and I headed to the doctor's office to see if they had the right tools to get it out. The PA asked the problem. I said he has a googly eye stuck in his ear. He asked what a googly eye was. I said you don't have kids do you. He said no so I had to explain what a googly eye was. After he took a look in Jacob's ear he decided to call the Dr. Matta; who recommended we go to the ER because of how deep it had got and the position of the eye.
The ER visit actually wasn't too long, which made me quite happy. The doc came in, I explained what was going on, and took a look. Before he looked in his ear he asked Jacob which ear it was in. Jacob proceed to shake his head back and forth then pointed at his right ear. He could hear the eye shaking in his ear. :) So the doctor tried fishing it out with some special tool he had but couldn't get a hold of it. Jacob did really good holding still and being brave. He did cry out a couple times because of the pain but other then that did good. Well the doctor couldn't get a hold of it so he instructed the nurse to flush it out with water. Again Jacob did real well as the nurse flushed his ear out. Tons of earwax came out, one giant chunk came out right before the doctor came in. Once that was out of the way the doctor was able to get a hold of it and pull it out.
I was so proud of how brave Jacob was. Praise Jesus for his mercy and greatness.