Saturday, May 30, 2015


Amelia can ride her pedal bike now real good but the other day going to the park she wanted to ride the skuut again. At the park I asked her why? She said, "The pedals. Pedaling makes me exhausted."

Thursday, May 28, 2015


The boys wrapped another t-ball season. Both Jacob and Jack did very well.  I believe each boy improved their baseball skills
Jack's favorite part was hitting the ball and the baseball pinata at the end of the year party. Jack improved his hitting form. He is good at catching the ball when he is wearing a batting helmet. He knows the ball can't hurt him with it on; whatever gets him catching right now.
Jacob's favorite part was hitting. Jacob is real good at catching the ball now. It is fun playing a game of catch with him. He has always been good at throwing the baseball, now he can accurately throw it.


Amelia finished her first year of preschool. She really liked school and did well.Towards the end of the year she started interacting with other girls in the class; started having friends. I think her favorite place to play was the kitchen area of the preschool room. She said her favorite part of preschool was coloring. I am glad she enjoyed herself and am very proud of her good attitude and behavior.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Insane Inflatable 5k

 This weekend Jack, Jacob, Uppa and I did the insane inflatable 5k. Its a 5k course with bounce obstacles spread threw out the course. The day was sunny and warm but had a bit of strong breeze. The boys did great! I was a little worried Jack wouldn't make it but he did so good. The obstacles were spread just far enough apart that when you saw one it gave a boost to keep going. One slide was super tall; it had a ladder with a rope to help get to the top. I was worried Jack wouldn't make it up but again he did great. He didn't even use the rope, just scurried up the ladder.
On one slide Jacob ran and jump! Well he jumped so high that his bounce was even bigger. I thought he was going to land in the dirt at the end of the slide. Jacob did catch a bad bounce from Uppa on the second to the last slide and hurt his knee but he recovered enough to finish.
We all got t-shirts, medals, banana and water. The boys forgo-ed their bananas for a ice slushie though. We had lots of fun!

Mother's Day 2015

For Mother's Day each of the kids made a nice card and present for me; each different just like the kids. All made at school
Jack made me a sunflower card with his hand print as the flower. He also made me a pinch pot that he painted then glued different kinds of feathers in it. The pinch pot was kinda the equivalent of a homemade ashtray back in the day but still nice.
Amelia made me a nice card. Inside the card it read: I like her because she plays barbies with me. I like it when she makes me oatmeal. Amelia is not too hard to please. She also painted a wooden sunflower which was magnet then glued her picture on it.
Jacob's class had a Mother's Day tea in the afternoon. He served me strawberries and lemonade. The class sung a nice Mother's Day song. He made a place mat that had a picture of me and him on one side and a sheet with statements about me on the other. Highlights of the statement include:
My mom loves... me and herself.
If she could do anything she would... stay home and relax
My mom is good at... going to bed.

The night of Mother's Day we got ice cream at Baskin Robins. Overall a very good Mother's Day,

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


This afternoon Jack comes book'in into the house. "I hit Xaiver with a knife."
First question, "Was it a real knife?"
OK next question; "Is he all right?"
"He's crying."
After getting the story Jack apparently threw a plastic knife that hit Xaiver near the eye. Jack said he said sorry, told Amelia to come with him and then took off. Geez, At least I know when things look rough Jack runs ... and takes his sister.

PS We went back over to apologize. Xaiver was fine and they immediately started playing again.