Saturday, July 30, 2016


At the Tri-City Court Club you have to be at least 8 years old to be able to swim independently. Jack was appalled to that he wasn't able to swim by himself, let alone Jacob was allowed too. Well just yesterday he was able to do a first swim test. A swim test is when a kid swims independently for some distance with a life guard watching. Well I guess Jack had tried one before and stopped half way thru but the other day he completed it! He swam like a boss; arms scooping up the water, taking breaths halfway thru! He was so proud of himself. The life guard gave him a green wrist ban so he could swim anywhere by himself! Him and Jacob immediately went to the lazy river. I was so proud and happy for him. He looked so happy to have passed the test I could tell he was nervous for. Now he does a swim test as soon as we get there to get his wrist ban.


Here are some stories Jack has written this summer, so far:

Super Cat and the Joker Cat
Super Cat was hovering over the city. The Joker Cat blasted him with a poop gun. But Super Cat blocked the blast and sent the blast back and the Joker Cat turned into a blob of poop.

The Deadly Bed
The deadly bed eats people. When you get into the bed it eats you. The deadly bed lives in the bedroom of the office.

The Torture Cat
The Torture Cat kills you. He is a flaming cat. He is also very zombified and he is made of green fire. He eats blood.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Family Vacation

We went on a week long family vacation to Sunriver Oregon this year. We went with Josh and Beth and the boys and Stephen, Beth's brother's, family. It was a wonderful time. The kids played all the time, rode bikes and mostly got along. We went swimming almost everyday and did an special thing most days. We went to Crater Lake, the High Desert Museum, paddle boarding, hiking to a waterfall and played around the house.

Jack was a great paddle boarder. He really enjoyed it and could paddle fast. Jacob, Amelia and Dan rode in canoe. Dan had a quite a time steering the thing as Jacob and Amelia tried to paddle. :)
Amelia played with Dane the whole week. The two of them palled around the whole time. Amelia was in heaven because she had someone to play with and she got to be in charge!
Jacob paired up with Silas, Stephen's boy, for the week.
The whole week was a really fun.

Jack's 7!

Jack turned 7 this year. That means he is old enough for a bb gun, which Umma and Uppa got for him. We got him a new bike, with a hand break. For his birthday we went to his favorite Mexican restaurant so he could get a hamburger. Best in town, he says! :) He wore a sombrero all dinner long, loved it. Afterward we went to Basket Robins for ice cream. He had a good birthday.
For his birthday we let him watch the "most epic birthday song ever" as many time as he wanted.

Jack is a wonderful kid. He is kind, a courageous. He loves to laugh and make other people laugh. He is my special guy who I love very much.