Wednesday, May 28, 2014

T-ball Season

 We had another successful t-ball season. This spring Jack was able to move up to the 5/6 team Jacob was on. We were the Red Ninjas! Both boys became better hitters and more accurate throwers.
Jacob said his favorite thing about t-ball was hitting. Jack's was throwing water balloons.
Our end of the year party we had water balloons, a baseball pinata, cupcakes and pizza.


Jack-man is done with preschool! I can't believe its been two years, feels like just yesterday. I remember the first day of preschool I prayed that Jack would have courage. The day I dropped him off I swear I could see him glowing with it. Now he is off to kindergarten!
I told him I was sad he was done with preschool. He responded, "Why Mom? I won't be a grown up for a long time." I said he was right and that the correct word for my feeling would be nostalgic. From all of preschool memories I wonder if I will remember any of it later on.
Jack is becoming quite the kid. The most recent personality trait to surface is the need to fit in, which has taken me by surprise. This came about after contemplating about whether or not to wear a new shirt to school. Jack said he was worried the other kids would make fun of him. I told him most kids wouldn't even notice his shirt but he still hasn't worn it. He also has stated that he doesn't like to sing in public. Which explains his lack of participation at his preschool graduation program. I just pray that as he grows his need to fit in will change into self confidence that allows him the freedom to be himself.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Jack smashed his left pinkie finger in the car door yesterday. I was on the other side of the car when he started screaming. I grabbed him in hug as he told me what happened. Only after Dada came out to see what was going on did I ask to look at it. Then Jack brought his hand with  blood dripping everywhere! I took him in the house, wash off the wound best I could, gave him ibuprofen, and applied ice. All throughout this Jack is crying/screaming in pain and bouncing around.
With the amount of pain he was in I thought maybe he had broken his finger so we decided to take him to urgent care for a splint. On the way I explained to Jack what was going to happen. He said he didn't mind as long as he kept his wound covered because it freaked him out. On the way I prayed that the Holy Spirit would keep him calm so the doctors and nurses could do their work.
Once we got there everything went as I said it would. We got checked in, the nurse cleaned the wound, had x-rays, and the doctor examine it. Jack did great through the whole thing. Actually it looked like he was almost asleep through most of it. All of the staff kept commenting on how tough he was and well behaved.
As it turned out Jack broke the very tip of his finger, cut his nail in half and gave himself a pretty good darn cut. Instead of putting Jack through the experience of stitches the doctor left the cut to heal on his own.
Jack got a metal split for his finger that I am making him wear for at least a week to keep his finger clean. I told him it was a robot finger. Of course he perked right up to that. He added that he could shoot lasers out of it; which he has proceeded to do to everyone that comments on his finger.

**Just as a side note I did not come to fully appreciate my prayer for a calm Jack until today when I tried to clean his wound and change the bandage. I literally had to hold his hand under the water as he thrashed around screaming in pain. I am glad he was calmed yesterday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Amelia has fell in love with a pair of cowboy boots. She found them one day while digging around the shoe pile in the garage. They were Jack's old ones. Since that day the boots have been her primary shoe of choice. First because she can put them on herself. Second the cool noise they make. Third grown-ups are constantly telling her how cool her boots are. I don't mind them at all expect that she steps on my feet and boy does that hurt! Especially because I am wearing flip flops.