Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Amelia got a new diary from a class book order. She just loves the soft fuzzy purple fur. She dutifully locks and unlocks her diary after every entry. As you can see she really loves to write and draw in it.

Art projects

            Jacob's cool mask                                                               Jack's flower

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Jacob hit his first home run in baseball the other night! He has worked hard all season building up his confidence when he is batting in a game. (It helps that his coaches started making kids run for not trying to hit the ball.) It is so great to see him be successful!

I was lucky to see it too because I was taking Jack to Cub Scouts that night and had to leave early. Just as we were pulling out of the parking lot I noticed Jacob up to bat. We saw from the car Jacob crack hit out to right field. I was yelling, screaming and clapping; Jack informed me that Jacob could not hear me. I could see him running so fast around the bases. I was surprised to see his coach wave him on at 3rd base.

Of course the best part was watching Jacob run into a big hug from Dada right on the other side of home plate. Nothing can compare to the feeling of watching your kid succeed.


Amelia is playing t-ball again this year. She has all the basics down this year. She hasn't hit in a game yet but that's ok. She says her favorite part of the game is the snacks at the end. ;)  Her other favorite part is at the end of practice we always play a fun game; season favorite: water balloons!

Mother's Day

So this Mother's Day was great. All the kids gave me the gifts they made early so it was like Mother's Day on Friday. Each kid made a small gift and, of course, my personal favorite a card explaining why they love me. The following are the pics of each of their gifts.




PS - It is a good thing we celebrated on Friday because all Saturday night Jack was up throwing up so so was I. Sunday, actual Mother's Day was a pretty low key day because Jack was still sick and I was tired from being up all night.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


So Jack had a big week this last week. He performed in the all school talent show and scored his first touch down in football.  I got both on video!
His talent show went great. He sang loudly into the mic so everyone could hear him. Jack said he had stage fright so he did the talent show to to get over it. And boy did he!