Last night at Cub Scouts the leader was explaining what a chit was. (Its a word for the whittling chip that they don't use anymore) Well when he said that it sounded like he said shit. Later while brushing our teeth Jack asked what the leader was talking about. I told him I didn't know. This is the rest of the conversation:
Jack: It sounded like he said shit and that's a bad word.
Me: Yes it is a bad word. You shouldn't say it.
Jack: shit (with a giant fun grin on his face and sparkle in his eye)
Me: That may be a fun word to say and it may feel cool in your mouth but you shouldn't say it. Do you hear any of the adults that love you say it? Uppa, Dada, Justin?
Jack: No but Wesley, Javis, John, Sean and even Jacob say it!
At this point I look over at Jacob who's face had gone white, eyes popped open.
He stutters..."uhh... Jack what?"
Me: (to Jack) That is a word makes you sound not very smart and like you have no manners. You shouldn't say that word.
Jack: (shaking his fist in the air, getting into a power stance) So I can't say Oh shit!!!!
Me: (barely keeping a straight face) No you can't and if you say that word anymore I will have to squeeze your neck. You are too young to say that word.
Geez... I thought those boys were too young for cuss words but I guess I was wrong. Well I do pray that its a short phase of exploration and that they learn when and where it is appropriate to cuss.