Jacob says his feet has stopped growing at a size 11.5/12. He decided that now that his feet are done growing, he should have expensive shoes. So.... at physical therapy I noticed the bottom of his shoes were wore out and told him I would buy him some new ones. He immediately went into shoe shopping mode, texting his friend for advice on what shoes to buy. I told him hold up! I still am not going to buy him 130.00-dollar shoes. We decided I would cover around 70.00 of the shoes but he would have to chip in the rest of the balance.
After much consideration, and texting, from his friend, Jacob decided on some Nike shoes. Now the shoes have a fancy name and number, but I don't remember. What I do remember is that they are white. It took several days of waiting for us to take him to the mall to get them, but Dad finally took him on Saturday morning. Jacob came back super proud and happy that he got "his shoes." Not only are they super cool and white but they give him an inch and half of more height!
More importantly his feet are now supported more.