Monday, June 20, 2022


Jacob has officially finished middle school! I can't believe he is on his way to high school already. This last Saturday me and a couple of his friends' moms hosted a party for the kids. A kind of end of middle school celebration. The kids swam, ate, and hung out. It looked like everyone had a good time.

Jacob is a very capable young man. He is very smart, so schoolwork comes easy to him. He also knows how to work hard at something but to balance his time and energy into things that aren't' as important. Going into high school he has finished his algebra requirement so that is one less thing for him to do. He also is participating in the Tri Tech summer school this year. He is trying out the welding program. Basically for 9 days' worth of class he gets a .5 credit for high school, so that is nice. The biggest bonus is that Jacob is really enjoying the class! After 2 days of welding, he is set on continuing to weld and wanting to be a part of the yearlong welding program at Tri Tech as soon as he can, which is his junior year. Jacob is a person that once he finds something he is all in, so I am not surprised he has it in his mind how committed he wants to be to welding.

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